
Mart, 2021 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

A Visual Organization , When go to virtual ? - Trendyol Review

In this article, I evaluated the necessary factors to be a visual organization through Trendyol. I examined Trendyol from an Economic, Technological and Organizational perspective. When we should go to the visual organization I searched for the answer. When go to virtual ? Economic Factors ? Trendyol is an e-commerce website founded in 2010. It was invested by Alibaba in 2018 and Alibaba became the main shareholder. Trendyol Tech, Dolap and Trendyol Express are companies belonging to the Trendyol group. Trendyol is a full virtual organization that manages the store, supplier, marketing, transportation and warehousing processes. Trendyol is a main router that offers resources for suppliers and connects them more tightly with customers. Trendyol separates the networks of its suppliers and offers them multiple networks. You can think of it as a modem  the source for the internet is parsed in the modem and presented to the use of multiple computers. As you can see in the table above,...

Corporate Social Responsibility and Capitalism

  The concept of CSR is one of the most important words that can be used today. It would not be correct to define this concept in a single way, but we can express it as the responsibilities of companies towards society and institutions in general. While criticizing this film, we will evaluate the CSR concept in terms of accountability and transparency, ethics corporate, governance, human rights, stakeholder management. First, let's make an assessment in terms of accountability and transparency. Pfizer's 15k annual pricing for ARV is not accountability and transparency because the company only set the requested price because of patent rights, never disclosed the cost, and institutions such as the UN and the US Senate have long been obstacles to investigating this. For example, the counterpart company in India offered these drugs for less than $ 1 per day as a base, but this initiative was also blocked because the patent right belongs to Pfizer. Accountability and transparency ha...

Compass Can Only Show The Correct Way In Countries Where The Route Is Correct With CSR

  In today's world, borders have become transparent as a result of globalization and a large commercial flow has started. The foundations of this flow are based on the opportunities offered by the division of labour and geographical conditions, according to Adam Smith. In The Wealth of Nations, if a single man produced needles alone, he could only produce 10 needles per day, as a result of which only 10 people in a village of 100 people could receive them. This also raises the price of the needle because supply is less than demand. This time, Smith divided the production stages of the needle and considered the work of one person for each stage. As a result, the production of needles in a day was more than 100. In addition, mastering has begun as a single stage is made. From now on, the needle is cheaper for 100 people of village people because the supply is more and more efficient with the same performance. The smallest scale example of globalization started when the excess needles...