A Visual Organization , When go to virtual ? - Trendyol Review
In this article, I evaluated the necessary factors to be a visual organization through Trendyol. I examined Trendyol from an Economic, Technological and Organizational perspective. When we should go to the visual organization I searched for the answer. When go to virtual ? Economic Factors ? Trendyol is an e-commerce website founded in 2010. It was invested by Alibaba in 2018 and Alibaba became the main shareholder. Trendyol Tech, Dolap and Trendyol Express are companies belonging to the Trendyol group. Trendyol is a full virtual organization that manages the store, supplier, marketing, transportation and warehousing processes. Trendyol is a main router that offers resources for suppliers and connects them more tightly with customers. Trendyol separates the networks of its suppliers and offers them multiple networks. You can think of it as a modem the source for the internet is parsed in the modem and presented to the use of multiple computers. As you can see in the table above,...